• February 29, 2024

Littlerock High School Area Gets Roadway Improvements

Littlerock High School Area Gets Roadway Improvements

Littlerock High School Area Gets Roadway Improvements 560 373 Supervisor Kathryn Barger

The East Antelope Valley community is set to benefit from significant roadway improvements aimed at enhancing safety and traffic flow in the vicinity of Littlerock High School.

The $150,000 project, situated along 110th St E and Avenue R, addresses longstanding concerns over speeding and pedestrian safety, particularly near school zones. It was spearheaded by Los Angeles County Public Works in response to proactive outreach from the community–including concerns raised by the Superintendent of Antelope Valley Union High School District–and supported by Supervisor Kathryn Barger.

“This completed roadway project near Littlerock High School addresses community concerns and prioritizes student safety,” said Supervisor Kathryn Barger. “Through collaboration, we’ve enhanced traffic flow and implemented vital safety measures. This initiative not only improves our residents’ quality of life, but also sets the stage for future safety initiatives. The completion of this project is another step towards a safer, more resilient Antelope Valley community.”

“This initiative marks the beginning of work within the Antelope Valley to address rural roadway safety,” said Director of Los Angeles County Public Works, Mark Pestrella. “This project exemplifies the County’s dedication to creating safer communities and is made possible through collaboration with Supervisor Kathryn Barger and the Antelope Valley Union High School District.”

The project was completed a week ago, on February 22, with subsequent work on curb ramps at the intersection of Avenue R at 107th Street East scheduled for Summer 2024. The project is also expected to support local employment opportunities, contributing to the economic vitality of the region.

The full scope of work includes a range of safety and traffic calming measures, including the following:

  • Implementation of a new multiway stop control at the intersections surrounding Littlerock High School at 107th Street East and Avenue R;
  • Addition of Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting to the Stop Signs at the intersection of Avenue R at 110th Street East;
  • Installation of white edge line striping, diagonal lines, and painted curb extensions to better define the traveled way; and
  • Updates to existing crosswalks to high visibility standards.

Furthermore, all signage will be updated to comply with the current California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD).

In addition to these road improvements, County of Los Angeles was recently awarded $3.95 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation to address traffic safety on unincorporated roadways with the highest number of fatal and severe injury collisions.

The funds from the federal government’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program will create a Rural Roadway Safety Plan for unincorporated communities in the Antelope Valley and South LA.

Photos of the road improvements made are accessible here. For more information on upcoming projects, please visit pw.lacounty.gov.