• November 20, 2018

Board approves Barger motion ordering analysis of “just cause” evictions

Board approves Barger motion ordering analysis of “just cause” evictions

Board approves Barger motion ordering analysis of “just cause” evictions 864 576 Supervisor Kathryn Barger

LOS ANGELES COUNTY – The Board of Supervisors has approved a motion by Supervisor Kathryn Barger directing county agencies to study “just cause” evictions as part of the recently adopted Rent Stability Ordinance.

Specifically, the motion directs county agencies to look into what the impacts would be if “just cause” evictions exempted tenants who have lived in a property for less than one year.

The motion was introduced specifically to address concerns that property owner groups and multiple housing stakeholders have expressed.  “Just cause” evictions could have unintended consequences regarding quality of living in some complexes. The report back is due back to the Board of Supervisors in 90 days.