• November 19, 2019

Barger initiative supports Veteran Peer Access Network

Barger initiative supports Veteran Peer Access Network

Barger initiative supports Veteran Peer Access Network 1024 683 Supervisor Kathryn Barger

LOS ANGELES COUNTY – The Board of Supervisors approved a motion by Supervisors Kathryn Barger and Mark Ridley-Thomas that provides funding and additional guidance to the Department of Mental Health to implement a countywide Veteran Peer Access Network.

“Our County community members understand that our service members and veterans face significant challenges when they return home,” Barger said. “We must help our veterans attain the housing and services they have rightfully earned. Navigating the Department of Veterans Affairs, Cal Vet, or community-based organizations should not hinder them from receiving help.”

Fostering public-private partnerships with a focus on veterans can drive innovation. This ensures accountability to inform conveners and funders where to direct ongoing funding. Through this cross-sector collaboration and the development of Veteran Service Teams throughout our communities, L.A. County can provide additional resources to combat homelessness and suicide so veterans don’t fall through the cracks.