• August 25, 2017

Supervisor Barger Announces First Meeting of the Antelope Valley Homeless Consortium

Supervisor Barger Announces First Meeting of the Antelope Valley Homeless Consortium

Supervisor Barger Announces First Meeting of the Antelope Valley Homeless Consortium 1024 680 Supervisor Kathryn Barger

Supervisor Kathryn Barger announced the first of two meetings of the Antelope Valley Homeless Consortium to provide the opportunity for all local stakeholders to convene to identify a path forward in finding long-term, sustainable solutions to the Antelope Valley homeless issue.  The Consortium meeting will also include opportunities for members of the public to voice their concerns and suggestions.

WHEN:         Monday, August 28 at 4:00 p.m.

WHERE:       Highland High School

39055 25th St. West

Palmdale, CA 93551

WHO:            Consortium consists of representatives from the cities of Palmdale and Lancaster, community-based organizations, clergy, local service providers, advocacy groups, the Lancaster and Palmdale Sheriff’s Stations, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority as well as the county departments of Mental Health and Public Health.

WHAT:          The purpose of the Consortium is for the community and local stakeholders to collaborate in identifying and analyzing the needs of the Antelope Valley as it pertains to homelessness, and report back to the Board of Supervisors in 90 days with their recommendations on methods to address regional homelessness.



August 28, 2017

4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Item 1.            Welcome and Background Information

  1. Motion establishing Antelope Valley Homelessness Consortium (AVHC)
    1. Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s Office, Fifth Supervisorial District
  2. Measure H & Brown Act Overview
    1. Ashlee Oh, Principal Analyst, LA County Chief Executive Office
    2. Norayr Zurabyan, County Counsel
  3. Homelessness in the Antelope Valley, post-shelter closure collaboration, importance of YIMBYism


  1. Peter Lynn, Executive Director, LA Homeless Services Authority

Item 2.            Overview of CSH, Process for Antelope Valley Homelessness Consortium               (AVHC), and Description of Systems Map and Projections for Permanent Supportive Housing

  1. Dara Papel, Senior Program Manager, CSH


Item 3.            Announcement of the Antelope Valley Homeless Consortium (AVHC) Members

  1. Dara Papel, Senior Program Manager, CSH
  2.       Introduce yourself: Name, agency/entity, area of expertise                                                                     b.      As it pertains to homelessness in the Antelope Valley, where do you see                                                      gaps/challenges and what are the possible solutions?


Item 4.            Next Steps and Next Meetings

Item 5.            General Public Comment

Item 6.            Adjournment