• July 25, 2019

Metro Board approves Barger’s motion to improve Antelope Valley Line Metrolink Service

Metro Board approves Barger’s motion to improve Antelope Valley Line Metrolink Service

Metro Board approves Barger’s motion to improve Antelope Valley Line Metrolink Service 1024 933 Supervisor Kathryn Barger

LOS ANGELES COUNTY – To address operational challenges and enhance the potential of Metrolink’s Antelope Valley Line, the Metro Board of Directors unanimously approved a motion Thursday by Supervisor Kathryn Barger and Directors Najarian, Krekorian, and Solis to fund projects that will lead to more frequent, reliable, and fast service.

“Transforming the Antelope Valley Line has always been one of my highest transportation priorities and this is a great first step,” Barger said. “We can and must take the opportunity to support the Antelope Valley Line, which reduces the equivalent of one lane of traffic from major freeways during peak commute hours and removes about one million weekday car trips every year.”

Barger’s motion commits $12.75 million from North Los Angeles County’s local Measure M transit funding to get new double-tracking projects and a new layover facility at the Lancaster station to “shovel ready” status, which will initially enable hourly service throughout the day and eventually allow for half-hourly service when the full package of projects is completed.

The motion will also implement a new weekend late-night service on the Antelope Valley Line as early as April 2020.

The initiative directs the Metro CEO to work with Metrolink and other partners on the implementation of a diesel, electric, battery electric, or hybrid multiple-unit train pilot program to help offset emissions and meet different types of service demands.