• August 6, 2019

County adopts socially conscious animal sheltering strategy

County adopts socially conscious animal sheltering strategy

County adopts socially conscious animal sheltering strategy 1024 819 Supervisor Kathryn Barger

LOS ANGELES COUNTY – In a motion by Supervisor Kathryn Barger, the Board of Supervisors approved a directive to the Department of Animal Care and Control to report back in 90 days with updates on its adoption of socially conscious animal sheltering operating practices.

The department has been practicing socially conscious animal sheltering as a responsible and humane philosophy in response to the negative consequences of no-kill operating practices that have been reported across the country. Many animal welfare organizations, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), have expressed deep concern over the negative results of no-kill practices.

Animal Care and Control reports that to meet an artificially-established live release rate of animals, many no-kill practices require agencies to refuse admission to animals they cannot offer for adoption, which denies animals a safe haven and overcrowds animal shelters. This results in disease outbreaks and dangerous animals being adopted into the community in order to meet the statistical live release goals.

Los Angeles County has made it a top goal to ensure every unwanted or homeless pet has a safe place to go for shelter and care. Animal care centers will not turn away animals in need of assistance.

This adopted strategy is an acclaimed best practice in animal welfare and is being implemented by many animal welfare organizations and animal welfare industry associations across the nation.

For more information about socially conscious animal sheltering, please see: https://colovma.org/category/of-note/

For more information about no-kill concerns, please see: https://www.peta.org/issues/animal-companion-issues/animal-shelters/no-kill-policies-slowly-killing-animals/