• September 9, 2022

Supervisor Barger Shares Advocacy Efforts to Alleviate Interstate 5 Highway Traffic Congestion, Expedite Repairs

Supervisor Barger Shares Advocacy Efforts to Alleviate Interstate 5 Highway Traffic Congestion, Expedite Repairs

Supervisor Barger Shares Advocacy Efforts to Alleviate Interstate 5 Highway Traffic Congestion, Expedite Repairs 680 855 Supervisor Kathryn Barger

Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger today issued an open letter to residents in the Castaic community to share her advocacy efforts so that state agencies expedite Interstate 5 repairs to alleviate traffic congestion in the area.

She notably emphasizes her letter to Governor Newsom asking that he urgently allocate resources so that the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) can expedite making the needed repairs, a new motion she’s authored to expedite Old Road repairs, and implementing local access only roadways for residents.

Click here to view a copy of her message to the Castaic community.