Number of households onsite finally meets permissible RV resort capacity for first time in more than a year
Top executives from several Los Angeles County agencies presented an update to the Board of Supervisors today detailing their outreach efforts helping scores of residents at risk of homelessness at Cali Lake Recreational Vehicle (RV) Resort. The threat of homelessness was a result of the RV resort’s owner more than doubling the allowable number of 47 occupied spaces at the park — which is located in a Very High Fire Severity Zone and a mapped Flood Zone in the Santa Clara River floodway — for a disallowed extended period of time.
As of June 21, 2023, there are 46 occupied RV spaces at Cali Lake RV Park – one less than the allowable maximum capacity.
The report came as a result of Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s motion, introduced in November 2022, that directed relevant County departments to assess the housing needs of Cali Lake RV Resort residents, connect them to supportive services, and help them find suitable places to live.
Dana Pratt, Deputy Director of Housing and Tenant Protections at L.A. County’s Department of Consumer and Business Affairs, was on hand to address the eviction protection information shared with Cali Lake RV Resort residents who received a notice of eviction from the park’s owner a few months ago.
Dr. Va Lecia Adams Kellum, Chief Executive Officer of Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), presented LAHSA’s efforts to connect residents to alternative housing options, including the number of households served and reasons why residents stopped receiving support from LAHSA.
A video featuring these speakers’ presentations can be viewed here.
Supervisor Barger posed questions about the status of establishing a Countywide RV encampment pilot program, the result of a motion she and Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell co-authored last year to create safe parking sites and housing options for people living in RVs.
Cheri Todoroff – Executive Director of L.A. County’s Homeless Initiative, spoke of some of the issues impacting the roll-out of the pilot program.
“We have been challenged with identifying safe parking locations for RVs,” said Todoroff. “We’re talking to partners, including the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and real estate partners. It’s complicated to find parcels of land big enough to accommodate RVs and that can also support all the infrastructure elements that are needed to make the space functional for living.”
LAHSA’s Chief Executive Officer affirmed that LAHSA’s outreach workers will continue visiting Cali Lake RV Resort up to twice a week as long as any on-site residents need services.
Supervisor Barger extended her thanks to the presenters and their staff for the efforts.
“I heard directly from residents from Cali Lake RV Resort during our Board meeting last November,” said Supervisor Barger. “The stories they shared really struck me. These families and individuals suddenly found themselves facing housing uncertainty through no fault of their own. My office will continue to work alongside all our partners to support those who remain or left Cali Lake RV Resort. We owe it to them.”