• April 18, 2023

Barger Reacts to Recommended $43B L.A. County Budget for Next Fiscal Year

Barger Reacts to Recommended $43B L.A. County Budget for Next Fiscal Year

Barger Reacts to Recommended $43B L.A. County Budget for Next Fiscal Year 1024 683 Supervisor Kathryn Barger

Supervisor Kathryn Barger issued the following statement today, following Los Angeles County’s Chief Executive Officer’s presentation of a $43 billion budget for the forthcoming 2023-24 fiscal year: 

“Today’s budget got several things right. I am pleased it includes ongoing funding for Sheriff’s Academies to help keep our communities safe. Our county must have a functioning pipeline that recruits and trains quality candidates for the Sheriff’s Department.  This has a ripple effect, allowing us to maintain necessary staffing levels for our local Sheriff’s stations and jails.   

I am also encouraged that the Department of Mental Health is allocated more than $60 million in Mental Health Services Act funding and more than 165 positions to expand services – including 32 positions for the Antelope Valley Children and Family Health Clinic. The rural communities I represent need more access to services and will welcome the additional support.

Fiscal responsibility will be even more critical over the next couple of years. Our county faces significant financial pressures due to inflation, a potential economic recession, and recent state legislation resulting in new costly legal liabilities due to allegations of incidents at MacLaren Children’s Center and the Probation halls and camps. I appreciate the fiscal prudence included in today’s recommended budget. Almost three-quarters of our budget goes to the most indigent and vulnerable people living in L.A. County. They look to the county for their survival. As their safety net, we must not fail them.”