• March 15, 2022

Barger Statement on Board of Supervisors’ Designation of Camp Scott as Secure Youth Track Facility

Barger Statement on Board of Supervisors’ Designation of Camp Scott as Secure Youth Track Facility

Barger Statement on Board of Supervisors’ Designation of Camp Scott as Secure Youth Track Facility 1024 683 Supervisor Kathryn Barger

Today, Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger issued this statement following the Board of Supervisors’ vote to designate Camp Joseph Scott over Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall as a Secure Youth Track Facility for violent offenders formerly under the supervision of the state’s Division of Juvenile Justice:

“Today’s outcome is frustrating and defies some commonsense considerations.

Selecting Camp Scott over Barry J. Nidorf contradicted experts from the Probation Department, whose detailed proposal concluded that Nidorf was the most appropriate setting. 

 It contradicted a solution that made the most fiscal sense. Since our County is already legally required to transform Nidorf, we could’ve leveraged those improvements to create a state-of-the-art rehabilitative facility for these youth.

It disregarded the fact that most counties in our state plan to convert their juvenile halls into Secure Youth Track Facilities — they’re taking active steps to constrain their juvenile justice footprint in their communities. A majority of our Board members felt the need to do the opposite and expand it.

Perhaps the most ironic part of today’s vote is that although the Board rejected Nidorf as a viable site, it will nonetheless still explore its suitability to house all pre-adjudicated youth as part of a movement to close Central Juvenile Hall, doubling Nidorf’s population.

In the days and weeks ahead, I will be vigilant. I will closely review forthcoming plans to remodel Camp Scott. I’ve been clear and will continue to emphasize that it needs significant investments inside and outside, including extensive security upgrades, before it can serve any youth. 

I also expect a thorough and transparent community involvement process. A commitment to reimagining juvenile justice in L.A. County should be an exciting and creative experience for as many stakeholders as possible. We can’t afford to get this wrong.”